Please be advised that MNO will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025, for the holiday shutdown. Before the holiday shutdown, the ELCC team will review and pay any applications submitted within our guidelines before December 4, 2024. After this date, there will be delays in reviewing the extracurricular application; please anticipate any submission after this date to be reviewed and paid out in mid-Feb 2025.
The MNO is pleased to offer the Enhanced Extra-Curricular Support Program to support the healthy growth and development of Métis children. The program is designed to support the social, physical, and mental well-being of our Métis children, focusing on developmentally supportive activities.
General Guidelines
♦ Children must be between the ages of 0-12 years.
♦ The parent/guardian, or child, must be an MNO citizen, eligible for direct benefits.
♦ The family must reside in the province of Ontario.
♦ Applicants must have applied and been approved through the MNO OneApplication. The waitlist application is available HERE. If you are not approved and complete the application, the application will be declined in full.
Program Specific Guidelines
♦ Applicants are required to be familiar with the guidelines.
♦ The activity and/or equipment must be developmentally appropriate and align with the child's age.
♦ The activity/equipment must be for use specifically by the child(ren).
♦ Detailed receipts may be requested to verify the equipment is suitable for the child.
♦ Quantities of items reimbursed may be limited per child if the item can be used for multiple activities.
♦ Applicants can apply as many times as they like until their funding is spent.
♦ MNO reserves the right to hold reimbursement for activities until the activity begins and may require proof the activity takes place.
♦ Receipts MUST be dated between April 1, 2024-March 7, 2025. Any receipts outside these dates will NOT be considered even if the activity occurs within the fiscal year.
♦ The reimbursement amount is based on the year of the child's birth. Note: any unused portions cannot be transferred to another child and/or carried over to future years.
Please refer to these documents for more information by clicking on the bolded link: Extra-Curricular Backgrounder- This document explains the program in detail.
Application Guidelines
In order to facilitate the processing of applications, please note the following:
♦ You may apply as often as you like as long as there is a total of $50 of receipts per application/family.
♦ If you are submitting multiple receipts, please combine them into as few applications as possible.
♦ Items (equipment) CANNOT be shared for reimbursement between children. (e.g. a $500 trampoline cannot be split between two children, so each child is reimbursed $250.)
♦ All receipts MUST be purchased/paid for between April 1, 2024. - March 7, 2025. All receipts submitted outside these dates will be declined.
♦ Please contact your Family Supports Administrator for activities paid for between March 8-31, 2025
♦ Receipts MUST have a date and item(s) purchased.
♦ Receipts must be readable.
♦ Debit/credit card receipts and/or statements are not accepted.
♦ Only receipts from online retailers will be accepted. We will not accept order summaries.
♦ All receipts must show the full receipt.
♦ Bank or credit card statements are not accepted.
♦ Etransfers MUST show: date of etransfer, who the etransfer is to, and a description of the item/activity. We may request photos/ads of equipment purchased or proof of enrollment in activities.
♦ Please indicate the item(s) on the receipt you are submitting with the child's name/initials.
♦ For children who are turning 13, the receipts must be dated before their 13th birthday. The amount is not prorated - children will receive $1,500 regardless of when their birthday falls in the year.
Failure to provide supporting documentation and/or meet these guidelines will result in the entire application being declined. You would be required to submit a new application that meets the guidelines.
If you are unsure if an item or program meets the criteria or have questions about the application process, please reach out to your Family Supports Administrator.
CONTACT: For additional information or if you help with the reimbursement process, please email the ELCC program support at with any questions or concerns. Please include the MNO region you live in or your municipality in the email.
Extra-Curricular Support Program
Please be advised that MNO will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025, for the holiday shutdown. Before the holiday shutdown, the ELCC team will review and pay any applications submitted within our guidelines before December 4, 2024. After this date, there will be delays in reviewing the extracurricular application; please anticipate any submission after this date to be reviewed and paid out in mid-Feb 2025.
The MNO is pleased to offer the Enhanced Extra-Curricular Support Program to support the healthy growth and development of Métis children. The program is designed to support the social, physical, and mental well-being of our Métis children, focusing on developmentally supportive activities.
General Guidelines
♦ Children must be between the ages of 0-12 years.
♦ The parent/guardian, or child, must be an MNO citizen, eligible for direct benefits.
♦ The family must reside in the province of Ontario.
♦ Applicants must have applied and been approved through the MNO OneApplication. The waitlist application is available HERE. If you are not approved and complete the application, the application will be declined in full.
Program Specific Guidelines
♦ Applicants are required to be familiar with the guidelines.
♦ The activity and/or equipment must be developmentally appropriate and align with the child's age.
♦ The activity/equipment must be for use specifically by the child(ren).
♦ Detailed receipts may be requested to verify the equipment is suitable for the child.
♦ Quantities of items reimbursed may be limited per child if the item can be used for multiple activities.
♦ Applicants can apply as many times as they like until their funding is spent.
♦ MNO reserves the right to hold reimbursement for activities until the activity begins and may require proof the activity takes place.
♦ Receipts MUST be dated between April 1, 2024-March 7, 2025. Any receipts outside these dates will NOT be considered even if the activity occurs within the fiscal year.
♦ The reimbursement amount is based on the year of the child's birth. Note: any unused portions cannot be transferred to another child and/or carried over to future years.
Please refer to these documents for more information by clicking on the bolded link: Extra-Curricular Backgrounder- This document explains the program in detail.
Application Guidelines
In order to facilitate the processing of applications, please note the following:
♦ You may apply as often as you like as long as there is a total of $50 of receipts per application/family.
♦ If you are submitting multiple receipts, please combine them into as few applications as possible.
♦ Items (equipment) CANNOT be shared for reimbursement between children. (e.g. a $500 trampoline cannot be split between two children, so each child is reimbursed $250.)
♦ All receipts MUST be purchased/paid for between April 1, 2024. - March 7, 2025. All receipts submitted outside these dates will be declined.
♦ Please contact your Family Supports Administrator for activities paid for between March 8-31, 2025
♦ Receipts MUST have a date and item(s) purchased.
♦ Receipts must be readable.
♦ Debit/credit card receipts and/or statements are not accepted.
♦ Only receipts from online retailers will be accepted. We will not accept order summaries.
♦ All receipts must show the full receipt.
♦ Bank or credit card statements are not accepted.
♦ Etransfers MUST show: date of etransfer, who the etransfer is to, and a description of the item/activity. We may request photos/ads of equipment purchased or proof of enrollment in activities.
♦ Please indicate the item(s) on the receipt you are submitting with the child's name/initials.
♦ For children who are turning 13, the receipts must be dated before their 13th birthday. The amount is not prorated - children will receive $1,500 regardless of when their birthday falls in the year.
Failure to provide supporting documentation and/or meet these guidelines will result in the entire application being declined. You would be required to submit a new application that meets the guidelines.
If you are unsure if an item or program meets the criteria or have questions about the application process, please reach out to your Family Supports Administrator.
CONTACT: For additional information or if you help with the reimbursement process, please email the ELCC program support at with any questions or concerns. Please include the MNO region you live in or your municipality in the email.